Gain Competitive Advantage
In real estate, every decision can be improved when property is analyzed spatially on a map. SPS will give your team the best mapping and research technology available. Our clients have successfully leveraged our technology to gain competitive advantage in their markets.
LandPoint is the premier mapping and research tool from SPS. Deploy LandPoint in your company, and make your team location experts. Customers will be drawn to your company for the professional quality custom maps. Click here to learn more about LandPoint.
“My clients love the maps from LandPoint”
ROBERT RAY – Vice President-Sales, Chicago Title
Increase Market Share

In the Title industry, companies strive to differentiate themselves, not on price, but on service provided to clients. SPS helps Title companies leverage GIS mapping technology over the web, or on your website, to gain advantage over the competition.
Imagine if you could automate some of the routine work done in customer service, and reach out to customers 24/7. LandQuery is a web-based property profile service from Single Point Solutions. Our clients have enhanced their websites by offering LandQuery integrated with their own branding. Click here to learn more about LandQuery.
“SPS helps us exceed our own customers’ expectations. The utilization of LandQuery through our local website has been very popular.”
DENNIS MCCRACKEN – Commercial Services Group, First American Title
Improve Customer Relationships
Imagine if you could track every customer interaction from start to finish, find the most/least productive customers and be instantly notified as client activity is happening… Generic CRM products don’t address the unique needs of the title industry.
SPS offers Title Insight, a customer resource management system (CRM) specifically designed for the Title industry. Track and manage all customer touch-points, monitor and enhance the effectiveness of your marketing team, and keep abreast of the most profitable (and unprofitable) customers.
“SPS absolutely lives up to it’s core value statement, Integrity, Excellence, Service: SPS is without a doubt one of the best companies out there, I can tell you from first hand experience they do what they say.”
JUSTIN HAYES – Marketing and Research Administrator, Grubb and Ellis Commercial
Differentiate Yourself
Imagine if you could find and map bank owned properties by neighborhood, rather than just having a static list or spreadsheet. LandPoint can tracks bank owned properties, assessor information, plus dozens of other property characteristics.
LandPoint is the premier mapping and research tool from SPS. Deploy LandPoint in your company, and make your team location experts. Customers will be drawn to your company for the professional quality custom maps. Click here to learn more about LandPoint.
“I would rate LandPoint as an 8 or 9 – It has most of the information I need in one program. You have a great product that really makes my job a lot easier.”
KRISTI LARSON – Thornton Oliver Keller Commercial
Gain trusted advisor credibility
With LandPoint, you can become the “trusted advisor” and keep your clients coming back for up to date Market intelligence. Use LandPoint to generate a list Of Businesses with contact phone data, and then provide important context by placing these properties on the map.
LandPoint is the premier mapping and research tool from SPS. Deploy LandPoint in your company, and make your team location experts. Customers will be drawn to your company for the professional quality custom maps. Click here to learn more about LandPoint.
“It’s a pleasure to work with people who know the meaning of efficiency and dependability. I want you to know how pleased we are with the outstanding service you have given us”.
MARK ADAMS -Customer Service, Fidelity National Title of Idaho
Establish yourself as the Market Expert
Imagine if you could find and map properties by land use code, or zoning. Provide professional custom maps to your clients in minutes. LandPoint can map any assessor data, plus dozens of other property attributes.
LandPoint is the premier mapping and research tool from SPS. Deploy LandPoint in your company, and make your team location experts. Customers will be drawn to your company for the professional quality custom maps. Click here to learn more about LandPoint
“SPS does a great job at making us look good to our clients. We can’t thank you enough! “
AMY VAN AUKER – Area Sales Manager, First American Title
Access a library of tools in one place
What if you could search an entire county for the specific types of property you need, and place multiple search results into a professional map format in minutes? Then email your report and map to your customer.
LandPoint combines millions of records from multiple agency and proprietary databases to make research a snap. Click here to learn more about LandPoint.
“I couldn’t imagine doing my job without LandPoint….and I am not kidding. I rate LandPoint as a 10. This program is the best! ”
REBECCA JONES – Customer Service Manager, Pioneer Title Company