Reach more customers by automating the Listing Packet process
LandQuery automates the creation of listing packets/property profiles. LandQuery eliminates the time-consuming process of pulling documents from several different systems—offering instead a one-click property profile, including a tie to the last deed of record.
LandQuery can be used internally to automate repetitive customer service tasks, or can be integrated with your existing website as a 24/7 extension of your customer service department.
Unique features of LandQuery:
- Increase the reach of your customer service department: Offer LandQuery as a 24/7 online property profile service. Maps and profiles are automatically emailed in PDF format.
- Increase your brand awareness in the market: LandQuery integrates on your website with your branding. Customers log on and generate branded professional maps and reports… on their own
- Enhance your marketing efforts: With LandQuery you can track every client’s report activity on a daily basis. Reach out to new clients who register on your website.
- Contact us today for a test drive or needs analysis!